
Token Data

name : ArcadeFi
symbol : ARCADE
decimals : 9
chain : Ethereum
totalsupply : 100M
ca : 0x01194726B1B55bBf99cb083ba8E5dCC0834aDBC3


  • 2 ETH Initial liquidity

  • 80% Supplied to Uniswap v2

  • 15% Held in utility at launch

  • 5% held for marketing

All current and future liquidity tokens created by the ArcadeFi team are to be locked with Unicrypts liquidity lockers. The $Arcade ERC20 token is also renounced from launch.


The ArcadeFi ecosystem has a few fundamental requirements that it must maintain. These requirements being marketing, development and utility up keep. To maintain these costs, a transaction fee of five percent is applied to all buys and sells. A fee will not be applied when transferring tokens between wallets or when interacting with the ArcadeFi utility contracts.

These taxes will be used to fund marketing campaigns, provide DAPP updates and to maintain the running costs of our infrastructure. These running costs include KOL marketing, Buy backs to maintain utility contract reserves, chainlink VRF subscription tokens and ongoing development and marketing costs.


ArcadeFi aims to create fairness for investors and gamers through the utilization of the blockchain, third party systems and the ArcadeFi DAPP. This DAPP creates a seamless integration with the ArcadeFi utility contracts and allows users to create, cancel or fulfill games.

Last updated


Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investments are subject to risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Please conduct your research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before investing.